Dry Needling
PT with Dry Neelding
Dry Needling can be a powerful assisting technique to aid in your recovery during your formal PT appointments. Ask your therapist if you may benefit from Dry Needling during your scheduled PT visits.
Dry Needling Only
Come in for a one-time evaluation to assess the safety and potential benefits of using dry needling with your needs. Then schedule as often as you'd like for a dry needling sessions.
What is Dry Needling?
Trigger point dry needling is an intervention used to treat myofascial pain and associated impairments through the use of insertion of a thin filiform needle into a trigger point through skin penetration (a trigger point is a taut band of skeletal muscle that can be tender to the touch and refer pain to other parts of the body).
How Is It Helpful?
Dry Needling aids in the release of trigger points which are associated with pain relief and improves range of motion and function. While this is used as only one tool in our toolbox, evidence supports that it can increase recovery dramatically, which means you can spend less time and money on getting back to your active, pain-free life.
Dry needling is an adjunct to manual therapy and is not typically used alone. Dry needling is best used with a focus on manual therapy and exercise to aid and speed up the healing process as it improves tissue healing and decreases neurological pain.